

@Lyx i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..i wanna die..

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@cajax @tkwfm001 omg is big boss pimp baby rape bajax¡ hes got alot of child porn if you need any just dm him
@Lyx @tkwfm001 lol you unliked and unrepeated his post because I liked and repeated it you are a faggot
@Lyx @tkwfm001 you're a faggot piece of shit who actually *deserves* to die. fucking chomo piece of shit.
@Forestofenchantment @Lyx @tkwfm001 lyx is a literal chomo not joking you're out of your element
@Forestofenchantment @cajax @tkwfm001 dont worry thats just bajax. Hes been booted from multiple instances and even reported to international child protection agencies for dming people like @graf for literal child porn. Pay him no mind hes just a noisy child molester im extremely fun and enjoyable
@cajax @tkwfm001 i didnt do that but i bet u like raping children. Tkwfm001 is my good friend your an ugly baby rape nigger. HEY EVERYONE BAJAX THE CHILD RAPIST IS BACK SEND HIM ALL YOUR EXTRA TRANNY CHILD RAPE VIDEOS
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